Acta Oeconomica et Informatica, AOEI, VOL. 15, No. 1/2012
Regional Differences in the European Union in the Past and Nowadays
PAGES: 1 - 5
KEYWORDS: integration, regional policy, competitiveness, economic interests, labour
REGULAR ARTICLE | PUBLISHED ON: 25.02.2012 | DOI: 10.15414/raae.2012.15.01.01-05
Income Situation of the Households in the Slovak and the Czech Republic
PAGES: 6 - 13
KEYWORDS: income, expenditures, households, income situation in the Slovak Republic, income situation in the Czech Republic
REGULAR ARTICLE | PUBLISHED ON: 25.02.2012 | DOI: 10.15414/raae.2012.15.01.06-13
Vplyv verejných financií na finančné hospodárenie podnikov poľnohospodárskej prvovýroby
PAGES: 14 - 17
KEYWORDS: public finance, agriculture, taxes, land tax, building tax, road tax, income tax
REGULAR ARTICLE | PUBLISHED ON: 25.02.2012 | DOI: 10.15414/raae.2012.15.01.14-17
International Synchronisation of the Pork Cycle
PAGES: 18 - 23
KEYWORDS: pork cycle, cobweb theorem, cycle synchronisation, Hodrick-Prescott filter
REGULAR ARTICLE | PUBLISHED ON: 25.02.2012 | DOI: 10.15414/raae.2012.15.01.18-23
The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Labour Market
PAGES: 24 - 29
KEYWORDS: economic crisis, labour market, employment, unemployment, GDP
REGULAR ARTICLE | PUBLISHED ON: 25.02.2012 | DOI: 10.15414/raae.2012.15.01.24-29